

为什么这两个性质相同的英文词组说法不同 初二英语问题 速度 很简单的 认真回答

有很多因素,starting 是带有某种即将开始的动感,而finish作为一种终结时既定的,让人产生停止的感觉,因此,作为一种运动的起点和终点,虽然两个词其实性质是一样的,但是单词本身是一种带给人感受的约定说法,所以语言的东西你要去用规则去推敲,有时候是行不通的。其次,从读音上,你也可以反复体会下


令人惊奇的动物 amazing animal

令人兴奋的动物 exciting animal

动物详情 animal's circumstance

最刺激的电影 the most irritative movie

事实上 in fact

最有趣的人物 the most interesting pepole

努力工作 work hard

最危险的动物 the most dangeous animal

其他动物 other animals

最漂亮的人物 the most beautiful characters

超过 over,beyond,to surpass...

最厚的字典 the thickest dictionary

短时休息 short break

最惊奇的鲸鱼 the most amazing whale

好得多 much better

快得多 much faster

终点线 finish line

英语测试 English test

单词表 word list

每天晚上 every night

几次 several times

下次 next time

上次 last time

考试 examination

得85分 get 85 points

一周以后 a week later

听到声音 hear the sound

拼写得了0分 get 0 points in spelling

说得了100分 get full points in speaking

外文书店 foreign language bookstore

够鲜艳 bright-colored enough

够漂亮 beautiful enough

英文字典 Dictionaries of English

汉英字典 Chinese-English Dictionary

中文书店 Chinese book store

薄字典 a thin dictionary

厚字典 a thick dictionary

一本贵字典 an expensive dictionary

便宜字典 a cheap dictionary

五本新字典 five new dictionaries

一本旧字典 an old dictionary

新挂历 new calender

太旧了 too old

太慢了 too slow

太年轻了 too young

太贵了 too expensive

太鲜艳了 too bright-colored

太快了 too fast

足够的水 enough water

足够的衣服 enough clothes

足够的地方 enough place

购车 buy a car

购食物 buy food

购衣服 buy clothes

不同的车 different cars

不同的水果 different fruits

不同的蔬菜 different vegetables

太漂亮 too beautiful

等公共汽车 wait a bus

乘公共汽车 catch a bus

遇到陌生人 meet a stranger

与...握手 shake with sb.

接电话 to pick up the telephone

推或跑 push or run

排队 to line up

劳驾 excuse me

把它写下来 write it down

与...玩 play with..

家人在家 families are at home

与...工作 work with..

打电话 make a telephone call

对...好 be good at

在街上走 walk on the street

找出 find out

拥抱人 to embrace someone

有礼貌 be potential

为...担心 worry about

带口信 take a message

带东西 take something

小心火灾 Practice fire prevention

引发火灾 initiate fire

灭火 put out a fire

听到火警 hear the fire alarm

听到烟警 hear the smoke alarm

闻到烟 smell smoke

离开房间 leave the room

离开教室 leave the classroom

乘电梯 take the elevator

快速起床 to get up fast

快速下楼 go downstairs fast

往窗外看 look out of the window

往门外看 look out of the door

快点出去 get out quickly

听到很大的响声 hear a loud voise

玩蜡烛 play with a candle

玩火柴 play with matches

成为消防员 become a fireman

成为医生 become a doctor

成为科学家 become a scientist

从早上7点到下午7点 from 7 am. to 7 pm.

从周一到周五 from Monday to Friday

清洗设备 cleaning equipment

训练一小时 train an hour

阻止火灾 stop the fire

我滴神。。。累死 ⊙﹏⊙b汗


"Finish"这个单词的读音是 /ˈfɪnɪʃ/,它是一个动词,意思是完成、结束或终止某个活动或任务。


1. “Finish”作为动词,表示完成、结束或终止某个活动或任务。例如:

- I need to finish my homework before I can go out to play.

- She finished the race in first place.

- We need to finish the project by Friday.

2. “Finish”还可以表示把某物表面处理得光滑或漂亮。例如:

- He spent hours finishing the woodwork on the table.

- The car has a shiny finish.

3. “Finish”也可以作为名词,表示完成或结束的状态。例如:

- The finish line is just ahead!

- The finish of the project was delayed due to unforeseen circumstances.

4. “Finish”还可以用作形容词,表示最终的或最后的。例如:

- The finish date for the project is next month.

- The finish line is the final goal of the race.


1. finish up:完成、结束。例如:

- Let's finish up this project by the end of the week.

- I need to finish up some paperwork before I can leave.

2. finish off:结束、完成某事。例如:

- She finished off the last of the COOKIEs.

- The team finished off the season with a win.

3. finish line:终点线。例如:

- The runners crossed the finish line one by one.

- The finish line of the race was marked with a banner.

4. finish school:毕业。例如:

- I'm excited to finish school and start my career.

- She plans to finish school next year.

5. finish strong:以强劲的势头结束。例如:

- The team finished strong with a series of impressive wins.

- She finished strong in the last leg of the race.

tape的意思 英语tape什么意思






以上就是关于终点线英文,结束英文怎么写的全部内容,以及并线的英文 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。


上一篇 2023年07月15日 14:58
下一篇 2023年07月15日 15:02


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