

【英文用法】Missloseto be missing的差别

Miss跟lose有什么差别呢?To be missing又怎么用呢?这几个字意思很相近,但意思不太一样喔。

To miss…..

意思: 1. to arrive too late for… 迟到 2. to not attend…. 没参加

to miss a/an event活动, opportunity机会, class课程, deadline期限, appointment约, meeting会议, party派对, sports match球赛, show表演…….

3. to fail to see/hear/notice 没注意到 4. to arrive too late for (transport): train, bus, plane…. 没赶上 5. to miss somebody/something: friends, family, object物品…. 想念

常见用法: 1. to miss the point 会错意、没理解重点 2. to miss a target 失败、没打中 3. to miss your chance 错过机会

To lose….

意思: 1. to not be able to find: keys, credit card信用卡, ticket…. 弄丢 2. to have less of减少: to lose weight减重, lose hair掉发, lose interest失去兴趣 3. to not have sth/ *** that you did before失去: money, job失业, a partner伙伴, hope希望 4. to not win输: a game, a sports match, a petition比赛 5. to have someone close to you die 去世

常见用法: 1. lose track of time 没注意时间 2. lose consciousness 失去意识 3. lose your head/temper 脾气爆发 4. lose the plot 傻了 5. lose your mind 疯了 6. lose sleep over sth 担心某事 7. lose heart 失去热情 8. lose your voice 没声音(感冒)

To be missing…

意思: 1. to not be where expected to be (things) 不在原本的地方 My keys are missing. 我的钥匙不在那。

2. to not be present where expected (people) 应该要出现而没出现 They are missing from the meeting. 他们没有在会议中出现。

3. to have disappeared (person-serious)/to be reported as missing/to go missing 失踪 A 12-year-old girl has gone missing. 一个12岁的女孩失踪了。

lose, miss, missing

各位大大帮忙找首歌曲 歌词: in the 血搂

moonlight shadow

the last that ever she saw him,她最后一次见到他,

carried away by a moonlight shadow,但因月光的影子而失去意识,

he passed on worried and warning,他发出了警讯,

carried away by a moonlight shadow,但因月光的影子而失去意识,

lost in a riddle that saturday night,上个周末的夜晚已在河里迷失,

far away on the other side,在遥远的那一边,

he was caught in the middle of a desperate fight,他被困在一场亡命的打斗中,

and she couldn't find how to push through.而她却无能为力

the trees that whisper in the evening,树林在黄昏时分低语,

carried away by a moonlight shadow,但因月光的影子而失去意识,

sing the song of sorrow and grieving,唱一首关于忧愁与悔恨的歌曲,

carried away by a moonlight shadow,但因月光的影子而失去意识,

all she saw was a silhouette of a gun,她看到的是一把枪的轮廓,

far away on the other side,在遥远的那一边,

he was shot six times by a man on the run,他被一个奔跑的男子连开六枪,

and she couldn't find how to push through.而她却无能为力.

i stay, i pray,我停留,我祈祷,

i stay, i pray,我停留,我祈祷,

four a.m. in the morning,凌晨四点钟,

carried away by a moonlight shadow,但因月光的影子而失去意识,

i watched your vision forming,我注视着你的幻影形成,

carried away by a moonlight shadow,但因月光的影子而失去意识,

star were glowing in the silvery night,银色的夜晚星光璀璨,

far away on the other side,在遥远的那一边,

will you come to talk to me this night,今晚你会来找我吗?

but she couldn't find how to push through.但是她却无能为力.

i stay, i pray,我停留,我祈祷,

i stay, i pray,我停留,我祈祷,

carried away by a moonlight shadow但因月光的影子而失去意识,


carried away by a moonlight shadow但因月光的影子而失去意识,


far away on the other side.在遥远的那一边,


and she couldn't find how to push through但是她却无能为力.


i see you in heaven far away,在遥远的天堂想见,

i see you in heaven one day.总有一天在天堂想见.

i see you in heaven far away,在遥远的天堂想见,

i see you in heaven one day.总有一天在天堂想见.





1-5 ACABC 6-10 CBACA

11-15 BCACB 16-20 BCBCA

21-25 DBDAC 26-30 ACCAC

31-35 BABCC 36-40 GACDE

41-45 BDBCA 46-50 BBDCB

51-55 CCADC 56-60 BBADD

61. more comfortable

62. protection 63. it

64. a 65. for

66. what / whatever 67. where / in which

68. used 69. is powered

70. applying


71. ... about people go ...


72. ... to the surveys ...

surveys → survey

73. ... living a better ...

living → live

74. Some wants to ... wants → want

75. ... our self-development.

our → their

76. Natural, different ...

Natural → Naturally

77. ... I agreed with ...

agreed → agree

78. ... in the order ... 去掉the

79. ... like students, we ...

like → as

80. ... country or society. or → and

One possible version:

Dear Miss Miller,

I am sorry to tell you that I cannot perform in the short play next week because I seriously injured my ankle during the PE lesson yesterday. The doctor said that I'd better not move and have a good rest.

You might be disappointed at this. Actually I am feeling upset too because I was looking forward to the performance we have been preparing during the last few weeks. I hope you can find someone else to take my place. But please don't worry about me. I can take good care of myself and I will recover soon.

I wish the school play a great success.


Li Hua




本文是记叙文。Lonnie Johnson发明的水枪成为了上世纪90年代卖得最好的玩具之一。

21. D。推理判断题。根据第二段中的As an African-American in a field in which minorities were rare, he was often looked down upon, he says. “For most of my career as an engineer, I was put in environments where I was the only person of color in the room.”可知,由于Johnson是非裔美国人,所以他经常被看不起,而且他所处的行业也很少雇用有色人种,这些都表明Johnson遭遇了种族歧视。

22. B。词义猜测题。根据第二段中的It's like the entertainment industry. You can't predict whether a song is going to be a hit and how everyone will react to it可知,玩具业跟娱乐业类似,你无法预测哪首歌会火,也无法预测人们对它的反应,这说明这两个行业都充满变数。

23. D。推理判断题。根据第四段中的“Wow,” Song said in surprise和倒数第二段中的 “At that point, I knew I had caught their imagination,” Johnson says不难推测,Song对Johnson的发明很感兴趣。

24. A。细节理解题。根据最后一段中的He hopes that his technology will ... make green energy more affordable可知答案。



25. C。细节理解题。根据Katrin S. Kohl所说的But there were lots of awkward introductions because nobody knew what to do with their hands in Liberia可知答案。

26. A。推理判断题。根据Katrin S. Kohl所说的内容可知,西非人原来在会议等社交场合要握手致意,现在他们保持距离,不接触对方,这说明埃博拉病毒改变了人们的社会行为方式。

27. C。细节理解题。根据Jennifer Brooks所说的after several international medical staff members were infected. It changed from being the government's problem to being everyone's problem可知答案。

28. C。细节理解题。根据Emily Jennets所说的Some people thought the white people were trying to steal organs可知答案。



29. A。细节理解题。根据第一段中的a bald eagle, the national bird of the US, holding 13 arrows in its left talon and in its right, an olive branch with 13 leaves, both representing the original 13 states that formed the United States of America可知答案。

30. C。细节理解题。根据第四段中的Both little Jonathan and his little dark-blue book seem over tasked as a messenger of a country's history and its basic values可知答案。

31. B。推理判断题。根据第四段中的I guess at such moments, “Hi, I am an American, and my government shall never die” is not the best mannerism even though it is backed up by the strongest armed forces in the world可推测,作者认为含有众多“爱国主义”内容的护照就像是在向其他国家炫耀美国的强大,有着挑衅的意味。



32. A。细节理解题。根据第一段中的When the orders continued after the holiday season for baby gifts, birthday gifts and more, it occurred to them that maybe this job could be turned into a business and they did it可知答案。

33. B。推理判断题。根据第一段中的the unique gift baskets my mom was making及第二段中的she had a creative idea可推测,作者的母亲想象力丰富,心灵手巧,能做出独一无二的礼品盒。

34. C。推理判断题。根据第四段中的She swore she would run a business again and do it differently the next time可推测,作者的母亲反思了自己这次生意失败的原因,所以发誓下次要用不同的方法做生意。

35. C。写作目的题。根据第三段中的make sure you ask yourself what you want out of your business. If you don't set goals, how will you know what direction to go in ... You can't keep scores if you don't know what game you are playing及最后一段中的Set them so that you can make progress and achieve success可以看出,作者写这篇文章的主要目的是强调设定目标的重要性。




36. G。根据上文可知,Gregory十一二岁的时候跟朋友一起坐公交车去市中心,但是她如今不让自己的孩子这么做,这是因为她“担心可能存在的危险”。G项中的possible dangers对应下句中的crimes against children。

37. A。根据下句内容可知,Alaba的女儿从来都没想过步行上下学,由此可以推断当她“开始上高中时,她仍然期盼每天有人接送她”。

38. C。根据上文内容可知,Alaba承认自己的孩子缺乏独立性,但仍然开车接送她们,这是因为她认为“知道她们安全就值得了”。

39. D。D项中的fear提示了本题答案。D项“担心陌生人给儿童保护中心打电话”指的就是上句中“对公众看法的担心”。

40. E。根据上段内容可知,人们现在很容易获取信息,所以能得知“发生的每一件事”。




41. B。根据文章中对买东西的描述及文章末的doing my own grocery shopping和supermarket可知,每周日,作者一家都一起去“超市(supermarket)”。

42. D。43. B。根据下一句可知,大姐一边读大学,一边做兼职,所以她有充分的“借口(excuse)”“停止(stop)”跟我们一起去超市。

44. C。根据本空后的had no good reason ... 可知,二姐也不想跟家人一起去超市了,但她却没有什么合理的理由。on the other hand用于引出相互矛盾的观点,符合此处语境。

45. A。根据本空后的lame, stupid可推测,二姐认为没有什么比让同学看到自己或瘸或傻的家人更“尴尬(embarrassment)”的了。

46. B。根据文章开头的my father, mother and two older sisters可知作者的家庭成员状况。再根据本空后的brother可知,这里是指除了不愿去超市的两个姐姐和作者这个弟弟外的“父母(parents)”。

47. B。两个姐姐都不再陪家人一起去超市了,所以就只剩下父母和作者“三个(three)”人了。

48. D。根据本空前的Left to deal with my parents by myself和下句中的just made no improvement可推测,留下作者一个人应对毫无进步的父母使得他很快失去“耐心(patience)”。

49. C。根据下句中的bad English可知,这里指父母的“英语(English)”没有进步。

50. B。根据本空前的delighted可知,刚开始作者和父母的英语都不好,“乐于(happy)”根据颜色和气味挑选窗户清洁剂。

51. C。根据本空后的telling them to ... 可知,现在作者“成了(become)”父母的活字典,指点父母购物。

52. C。根据本空前的put down that red can of baking powder可知,作者让父母放下红罐的发酵粉是因为父母“想要(wanted)”的是黄盒的小苏打。

53. A。根据本空后的too可知,作者也想像姐姐们一样“抛弃(abandon)”父母,不再跟他们一起去超市。

54. D。55. C。I never got what I wanted就是作者不跟父母一起去超市的“后果(consequences)”:作者再也得不到自己想要的东西。即使作者给父母写清楚自己要什么,父母也会买回“错的(wrong)”东西。

56. B。根据本空前的on purpose可知,作者有时认为父母为了让自己“陪(accompanied)”他们去超市而故意买错东西。

57. B。下句中的think about them提示了本题答案。

58. A。超市不仅仅是买东西的地方,也是维系家人情感的地方,这是作者逐渐“感悟到(understand)”的道理。

59. D。根据本空后的go to the supermarket with them可知,大学毕业后,作者定期“拜访(visit)”父母,并和他们一起去超市。

60. D。作者能跟父母一起共度美好的时光是作者期待跟父母一起去超市的原因,故选because。


61. more comfortable。考查比较等级。设空处作宾语补足语,且前面有a little修饰,故用形容词,结合than可知填more comfortable。

62. protection。考查名词。设空处作offer的宾语,故用名词。

63. it。考查代词。设空处指代Each little house,故填it。

64. a。考查冠词。effect在此意为“影响”,为可数名词,且表泛指,故其前用a。

65. for。考查介词。search sth. for sth. 意为“细查某处以搜寻某物”。

66. what / whatever。考查连接词。设空处引导宾语从句且在从句中作find的宾语,故填what / whatever。

67. where / in which。考查关系词。设空处引导非限制性定语从句修饰先行词studio,且在从句中作地点状语,故填where / in which。

68. used。考查非谓语动词。use与wooden structures之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,且use所表示的动作发生在谓语动作之前,故填used。

69. is powered。考查时态和语态。由上下文可知,此处用一般现在时,且device与power(给……提供动力)之间是被动关系,故填is powered。

70. applying。考查非谓语动词。someone与apply之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,且apply所表示的动作正在进行,故填applying。



1-5 BACAA 6-10 BACDB




1. B。细节理解题。根据文中的Seconds later, when I can finally look around again, we're near the clouds及When the Hornet flies at nearly the speed of sound等细节可以看出,Hornet的飞行速度很快。

2. A。推理判断题。根据文中的The Hornet's quick movements create extra g's. All that gravity has the interesting effect of pushing things down. That includes the blood in your body that you rely on for minor things like seeing and remaining conscious可知,当人们感受的重力突然成倍增加时,人们的血液就会往下流,从而导致人们看不清楚或者失去意识。

3. C。推理判断题。根据文中的... physically fight to keep that blood where it belongs — in your brain及Riders with the Blue Angels are taught to ... prevent the blood from rushing away from their upper body. The idea is to yell “hick!” rather loudly可知,喊“hick”的目的就是阻止血液从上半身流走,让大脑中有足够的血液。由此可以推测,当人们开始感觉大脑供血不足时,就要开始喊“hick”。

4. A。推理判断题。根据划线部分前的None of this applies to Mark Tedrow及下段中的... all the twisting and turning has little effect on him可知,Tedrow不受重力增加的影响,飞机在空中的各种运动也对他没有影响。

5. A。标题归纳题。作者介绍了自己乘坐美国海军“蓝天使”飞行表演队飞机的经历。A项中的the blue指的就是天空,形象生动地表达了作者乘坐飞机在空中的经历。



6. B。细节理解题。根据第一段中的What had changed, in fact, was the demand for Cisco's product可知,用户需求减少导致思科公司的效益下滑。

7. A。推理判断题。根据第三段中的We assume that because people are good at doing A, they will be good at doing B, C and D ... Dozens of studies have shown that we automatically regard good-looking people as more pleasant, honest and intelligent可知,依据桑代克的理论,如果某人长得漂亮的话,人们就可能倾向于认为那个人也很善良。

8. C。推理判断题。根据第四段中的What makes a professional tennis player like Roger Federer a coffee machine expert is still open for debate, but this hasn't got in the way of the success of the campaign. All we remember is the attractive face, dream lifestyle and that product可知,网球明星可以成功推销咖啡机,这是因为明星的良好形象可以使人们记住他们代言的产品。

9. D。词义猜测题。根据第三段内容我们不难看出,光环效应“阻碍了”人们对事物真实性质的判断。

10. B。写作目的题。本文从一个著名公司的案例谈起,说明了一个心理学上的概念——光环效应,最后简短地提供了应对光环效应的办法。故本文的写作目的是说明一个心理学上的概念。


失去意识的英文是:lose consciousness

consciousness 是名词,意思是清醒状态、知觉、意识,它的形容词是conscious。


1、The blow caused him to lose consciousness. 那一击打得他失去了意识。

2、Suddenly he collapsed and lost consciousness. 刹那间,他倒在地上,不省人事。

3、He bled her beliefs till she almost lost consciousness. 他对她的信念大肆攻击,几乎弄得她不省人事才罢休。

4、I can't remember any more ─ I must have lost consciousness. 我想不起来了——我当时一定是失去了意识。

5、She banged her head and lost consciousness. 她撞到了头,失去了知觉。

以上就是关于失去意识的英文,休克是什么的全部内容,以及意识的英文 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。


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